Expanded Frames: Lost and Found: The Films of Ina Archer and Kevin Jerome Everson
Expanded Frames Night Three
Underwritten by Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College
Oct. 17 - 12:00 am

- Work Stills:
About This Screening
6pm - Past Perfected
Introduction and Q&A with filmmaker Ina Archer
“Reconciling the desire to be included in a medium that seems determined and in fact built on exclusion; in my film and installation work, I use commercial cinema as material and appropriation and montage as strategies to negotiate the difficult relationship of marginalized people to cinema and media representations.” – Ina Archer1/16th of 100% (1993, Hi8 Video, 22min)
La Tête Sans Corps “The Head Without A Body” (1995, Hi8 Video, 2min)
Richard Harris Music Video (2002, DV, 6min)
Hattie MacDaniel: Or A Credit to the Motion Picture Industry (2004, DV, 6min)
"Bête Noire"(2003, DV, 2.5min)
"RW" (2004, DV, 2.5min)
"Lebensbejahend" (2004, DV, 3min)
Lincoln Film Conspiracy Prologue (2007, DV, 15 min)
7:45pm - Archiving a History of Black America through Appropriated Footage
A discussion with Ina Archer and Kevin Jerome Everson moderated by Ed Halter
9pm - Broad Daylight and Other Times
Introduction and Q&A with filmmaker Kevin Jerome Everson10:30pm - Late Night Party with DJ Eric Isaacson
“A wildly prolific filmmaker who investigates the African-American past, class identity, and the practice of art-making with a visual aesthetic so withholding that Charles Burnett seems florid by comparison, Everson has recently raided obscure archival sources to mine our cultural past for unexpected revelations.” –Ed Halter
Undefeated [2008, video, b&w, sound, 1.5min]
Lead [2008,video, b&w, sound, 2:30 min]
From Pompei to Xenia [2003, 16mm, color, sound, 5 min]
Emergency Needs [2007, 16mm, color, sound, 7 min]
Ninety-Three [2008, video, b&w, silent, 3 min.]
The Principles [2007, video, color, sound, 3min.]
The Reverend E. Randall T. Osborn, First Cousin [2007, video, b&w, sound, 3 min.]
Ike [2008, video, b&w, sound, 3 min]
According ToS¹ [2007, video, b&w, sound, 9 min]
Playing Dead [2008, video, color, 1:30 min]
Ring [2008, video, b&w, 1:30min]
Honorable Mention [2008, video, color and b&w, 2:30min]
Second and Lee [2008, video, b&w, 3:00min]
Telethon [2008, video, color and b&w, 5:00min]
North [2008, HD, color, 1:30min]
Aquarius [2003, 16mm, color, sound, 1.5 min]
Program Details
Screenings This Season
Oct. 15
Expanded Frames: Todd Haynes As Avant-Garde Filmmaker Oct. 19
Expanded Frames: Out of the Archives: Preserving Great Moments in Cinema History Oct. 16
Expanded Frames: Independent Channels: The Legacy of Canyon Cinema Oct. 17
Expanded Frames: Lost and Found: The Films of Ina Archer and Kevin Jerome Everson Oct. 19
Expanded Frames: Projecting the Future Nov. 18
Winnipeg Babysitter: Daniel Barrow's Community Access TV Tapes Dec. 9 + Dec. 10
Ice Robert Kramer
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