The Mechanics Laid Bare

Co-Presented with Portland Institute for Contemporary Art

Sep. 15 - 10:30 pm
15 NE Hancock


About This Screening

The Mechanics Laid Bare is a one-time only performance and celebration of the expanded cinema form for PICA’s 2016 Time-Based Art Festival. Referencing the psychedelic light shows of the 1960s & 70s as well as the harsh noise performances of contemporary avant-garde rebels like Bruce McClure, the Cinema Project collective, Portland-based musician Matt Carlson, and friends will create a momentary light and sound environment, a temporary dynamic installation in which to immerse audience members both wandering and still. Several 16mm projectors will run simultaneously and light beams will appear in the round. Moving-images of man, woman, animal, landscape, or simply sheer color and light from analog loops and reels will overlap and penetrate one another, covering any and all surfaces possible, and manipulated live by human hands. The mechanics of cinematic experience will be laid bare and at times it will be very very loud. For more information about TBA, tickets and passes, go to ​

Program Details

September 15th
  • The Mechanics Laid Bare
    multiple 16mm projectors, found footage, sound, approx. 60 min.

© Cinema Project 2003 - 2016