Synaesthetic Energies: Video by Makino Takashi

Beyond Border Program X: Japan | Pan Asian Series

Supported in part by a grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council

Jun. 1 + 2 - 12:00 am
$7 Suggested Donation
Cinema Project @ Clinton Street Theater
2600 SE Clinton St

About This Screening

With glimpses of representation rising to an often scratched and hand-painted surface, texture is key in the work of Japanese artist Makino Takashi. Combining his images with dynamic soundscapes created by experimental musicians like Jim O’Rourke, Takashi’s work is a seemingly tenuous bending of both time and space. A telecine master, Takashi uses the transfer process to translate initially film-based images into crackling digital landscapes, making him part of a new generation of Japanese experimental filmmakers and video artists. Takashi describes his latest work, Inter View, as "dark, fast, complex, blue, and poetic," revealing the potential intangibility of his images. For this premiere, curated and presented by Cinema Project, Takashi collaborates with Portland-based musicians Tara Jane O'Neil and Brian Mumford who will be performing their original score live. Other recent work from Takashi screened as part of this two-night engagement, include Elements of Nothing (2007), a stream of abstract images of the forest, and his 2006 breakthrough piece No is E in which particles of light dance on the water's surface.

Program Details

Tuesday June 1st
  • No is E
  • Elements of Nothing
  • still in cosmos
Wednesday June 2nd
  • The Seasons
  • while we are here
  • The Low Storm
  • Inter View

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