In Favor of Skepticism

Co-presented with the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art

Sep. 15 - 10:30 pm
The Works at Fashion Tech
2010 SE 8th Ave

About This Screening

No need to stay fixed to your seat as a passive viewer nor sit in reverence of the image. Tonight we privilege the soundtrack as a way to suspend the normal functioning of film. In Favor of Skepticism is a re-viewing of materials from the Letterist and Situationist movements in which words are shifted, translated, and overlayed onto, from, and between language and medium. The evening begins with a live interpretation of the original script for Guy Debord’s 1952 anti-film, Hurlements en faveur de Sade/Howlings for Sade. This unrealized version will be performed by artist and poet, Nour Mobarak. Following the performance will be a screening of Toujours à l’avant-garde de l’avant-garde, jusqu’au paradis et au-delà! / Ever the Avant-Garde of the Avant-Garde, till Heaven and After!, a "supertemporelle" film by Letterist artist Maurice Lemaître. Cinema Project is excited to present In Favor of Skepticism as part of PICA's Time-Based Art Festival 2014. For more information about the festival, including tickets and passes, go to

Program Details

September 15th
  • Hurlements en faveur de Sade
    by Guy Debord and performed by Nour Mobarak
    France, 1952, approximately 20 min.
  • Toujours à l’avant-garde de l’avant-garde, jusqu’au paradis et au-delà!
    by Maurice Lemaître
    France, 1970, 16mm, b&w, sound, 21 min.

© Cinema Project 2003 - 2016