Trance and Travel: The Work of Ben Russell

Nov. 19 - 7:30 pm, Nov. 20 - 9:30 pm
$8 Suggested Donation
Artist in Attendance
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd.
"Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.
"Atlantis" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.
"Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.
"Atlantis" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.
"Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.
"Atlantis" by Ben Russell. © Ben Russell.

About This Screening

"Psychedelic ethnography" is perhaps the most frequent—and piquant—label applied to the work of Ben Russell. The peripatetic artist has crafted a uniquely recognizable and contemporary experimental approach to "anthropological" and "documentary" modes of filmmaking which uses captivating, and sometimes dizzying, visual effects paired with sharp, enveloping sound and music. In Ponce de León, co-directed with Jim Drain, the camera slowly rotates around a 360º axis, creating an unsettling sense of perspective which pulls the viewer into the psychic space of the protagonist who, after finally drinking from the fountain of youth, is trapped in the infinite spin of immortal time. This video is situated amongst several of Russell's Trypps, an extremely diverse series which showcases the artist’s techniques and interests. As Russell has stated, “[u]sing a fabricated Old English word as its guiding principle, this ongoing series of (mostly) 16mm films is conceptually organized around the possible meanings that its title elicits—physical voyages, psychedelic journeys, and a phenomenological experience of the world." The second night of this program features Russell's most recent films, slightly longer shorts that explore many of the same concepts and approaches introduced through the Trypps, but now travel to new geographies and place new formal approaches on display. Cinema Project is thrilled to welcome Ben Russell to Portland for this two night program.

Program Details

November 19th
  • Black and White Trypps Number Three
    by Ben Russell
    USA, 2007, 35mm, color, sound, 11.5 min.
  • Black and White Trypps Number Four
    by Ben Russell
    USA, 2008, 16mm, b&w, sound, 10.5 min.
  • Ponce De León
    by Ben Russell; co-directed with Jim Drain
    2012, HDVideo, color, sound, 24 min.
  • Trypps#7 (Badlands)
    by Ben Russell
    USA, 2010, S16mm on HD, color, sound, 10 min.
  • Trypps #5 (Dubai)
    by Ben Russell
    2008, 16mm, color, silent, 3 min.
  • Trypps#6 (Malobi)
    by Ben Russell
    2009, 16mm, color, sound, 12 min.
November 20th
  • Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget
    by Ben Russell
    2013, S16mm on HD, color, sound, 20 min.
  • Atlantis
    by Ben Russell
    2014, S16mmon HD, color, sound, 23.5 min.

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