Ecstatic Transformation & Emotional Realism–Duke & Battersby

Oct. 1 + 2 - 7:30 pm
$6 Suggested Donation
New American Art Union
922 SE Ankeny St

About This Screening

Cooper Battersby and Emily Vey Duke have been working collaboratively since June 1994. They work in printed matter, installation, curation and sound, but their primary practice is the production of single-channel video. Combining animation, live action, song, and text their work explores themes of identity, addiction, alienation as well as the spiritual, material, and natural world. Duke and Battersby use themselves as the actors in their videos, filling them with wit, sorrow, smarts and sexiness; this work is intensely pleasurable. Cinema Project is pleased to have Duke and Battersby in Portland to present two programs: Ecstatic Transformation, a selection of their own work and the curated program Emotional Realism. There's a principle from quantum physics [and anthropology] that relates: when a process is observed, it changes. This principle holds at the level of the photon as well as for human behavior. The artists in Emotional Realism acknowledge this rather than trying to conceal it, which allows the viewer to trust in the integrity of the works. —Duke and Battersby

Program Details

October 1
  • Being Fucked Up
    2001, video, color, sound, 10 min.
  • My Heart the Lumberjack
    2002, video, color, sound, 13 sec.
  • Bad Ideas for Paradise
    2002, video, color, sound, 20 min.
  • The Fine Arts
    2002, video, color, sound, 3 min.
  • Curious About Existence
    2003, video, color, sound, 11 min.
  • The New Freedom Founders: A Trilogy
    2005, video, color, sound, 26 min.
  • Songs of Praise for the Heart Beyond Cure
    2006, video, color, sound, 14 min.
October 2
  • Rebecka
    by Miriam Backstrom
    2004, video, color, sound, 42 min.
  • A Mother to Hold
    by LaToya Ruby Frazier
    2006, video, color, sound, 7 min.
  • Five More Minutes
    by Dena DeCola and Karin E. Wandner
    2005, video, color, sound, 17 min.
  • Consolation Service
    by Elja-Liisa Ahtila
    1999, 35mm/video, color, sound, 23 min.
  • In My Language
    by Amanda Baggs
    2007, video, color, sound, 9 min.

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